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What classes are available and what are the costs?Tuesday and Thursdays - 5pm to 7pm All students ages: 6 and to adults Private lessons: inquire. Costs: Kids: 60 Adults: 80 Military and Seniors: 70 Uniforms: 20
Do I have to be in good shape before I start?This style of martial art is meant for everyone. It was designed by a woman to help overcome bigger and stronger attackers. No matter where you start in your Kung Fu journey, that journey is your own. If your pace is faster or slower than someone else, it doesn't matter. Forward is forward. If you have any health concerns, make sure you speak to your doctor before starting any excercise program.
I am 31 years old, am I too old to start martial arts?"You can start at anytime! You're never too old to learn something new!
What makes Ving Tsun so great?It's a personal choice when a student finds a style that they connect with. I (Ms. Stubby) have learned other styles: Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Kenpo, and basic self defense classes. The first day I entered the school of my Sifu, Andrew Knapp, I was able to understand exactly what I was learning. I learned how to block a punch and how to punch. Not just forms and confusion of what those forms could mean. Ving Tsun is simple. It's efficient. It wastes no time or energy getting to the point. No fancy moves. No crazy kicks. No having to get six pack abs to be able to do basic stuff. None of that. It's meant to be simple and elegant so a person can learn quickly and be able to defend themselves against bigger and stronger attackers. I am a tiny woman. Being able to pak sau (a form of blocking) against my much bigger classmates was empowering! So what makes Ving Tsun so great? Freedom.
I am very busy with my work schedule, how much time do I need to devote to Kung Fu classes?"The skill that you gain is dependent on the effort you put into training. Spending time in class and practicing at home will still give you good Kung Fu. Training programs are designed with certain hours and commitments in mind. But even if you cannot attend every class, some Kung Fu is better than no Kung Fu. As we say, "Come when you can, leave when you have to."
Are there belts in Ving Tsun?We don't do belts, sashes, or other marks of ranking. Students should focus on their own journey. Comparing yourself with another student will not help you progress, for each student is different and their personal needs are different. With steady work, you will make steady progress through a set curriculum, but the real payoff is the familiarity and effectiveness you will notice increasing over time.
What should i expect at my first class?Great question! * Wear comfortable clothes. Wear flat bottom gym shoes. No jewelry, watches and other items should be worn. * Be prepared to sign some paperwork. Please have your photo ID ready. * Payment for classes can be by cash or check. Bring your preferred method of payment so that when you realize how awesome Kung Fu is you are ready to sign up and get training! * Have an "empty cup". You will hear this often. It means to keep an open mind to everything that is being shown to you. Any past training from other styles, your ego, your preconceived ideas, etc, leave them at the door and enter with the eagerness to learn. * Be prepared to have fun! Kung Fu means hard work, but hard work can and should be fun and rewarding! * Don't overdo it! Know your limits and just do your best. You won't become the next master overnight, so relax and enjoy your Kung Fu journey!
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